The value of reflection in the workplace: A photographer's story

There is so much meaning and purpose in our daily working life that is undocumented and unexplored. Creating a photographic memory bank of a company journey, through the art of visual anthropology, acts as a reflective and observational tool to understand work culture in a growing organisation.  A passionate creative that loves sharing his insights and viewpoints, Gregor Rohrig is a trained Visual Journalist, Social Anthropologist, and Depth Psychologist with nearly 20 years experience as a photographer who recognises what it takes to evoke an authentic response and build meaning through imagery. 

Using his career experience and insight, Gregor found that he was able to help clients and their people by providing a decisive, outside perspective that lends an eye when identifying blindspots, analysing processes, and solving more nuanced behavioural and managerial challenges. Currently, he works as the Visual Anthropologist for Yoco, a fintech startup. 

Gregor shares how visual anthropology can be used as both a reflective and observational tool when helping document, reflect, and understand the meaning behind thriving work cultures, and their growth. This talk was given at a TEDx eve